
Τρίτη 17 Ιουλίου 2018

Ιστιοπλοΐα 🇬🇷️«Χρυσοί»Παγκόσμιοι πρωταθλητές 🥇 ο Ιορδάνης Πασχαλίδης & 🥇 ο Πέτρος Κωνσταντινίδης στο Παγκόσμιο Πρωτάθλημα της Γαλλίας Tornado 2018

Φωτογραφία του Trigonis Konstantinos.
Το χρυσό μετάλλιο κατάκτησαν ο
🥇 Ιορδάνης Πασχαλίδης  και🥇 ο Πέτρος Κωνσταντινίδης 
στο Παγκόσμιο Πρωτάθλημα της Γαλλίας Tornado World Championship 2018 
Στις οκτώ ιστιοδρομίες που διεξήχθησαν, οι αθλητές του Ν.Ο.ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ
κατάκτησαν έξι πρώτες θέσεις και δύο δεύτερες και ανέβηκαν στο υψηλότερο σκαλοπάτι του πόντιουμ.

(Φωτ.: welovesports.gr / Νίκος Παντής)

Αυτό ήταν το όγδοο χρυσό μετάλλιο σε παγκόσμιο πρωτάθλημα 
από Έλληνες ιστιοπλόους στα Tornado. 
Φωτογραφία της Ρένα Φατούρου.
Τα έξι  τα έχουν κατακτήσει οι Πασχαλίδης - Τριγκώνης 
Φωτογραφία της Ρένα Φατούρου.
και τα δύο οι Πασχαλίδης - Κωνσταντινίδης.
*Να σημειωθεί ότι ο Πασχαλίδης έχει φτάσει στα 51 χρόνια του, 
ενώ ο Κωνσταντινίδης είναι μόλις 19 ετών.
«Ο μεγάλος μας στόχος είναι να διατηρήσουμε την κλάση στην Ελλάδα 
και να την ενισχύσουμε, έτσι ώστε να παρουσιάσουμε στους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες μικτό πλήρωμα. 
Ο Πέτρος δουλεύει πολύ σκληρά, αγαπά αυτό που κάνει και είναι το μέλλον 
στα Καταμαράν», δήλωσε ο Πασχαλίδης.
Φωτογραφία του Trigonis Konstantinos.

Trigonis Konstantinos
It was a crazy 22 days racing around Europe. 1st target was the F18 Europeans where with Danny wanted to win our 1st major title to this class we entered last year. Then our “roads” where about to split as I was competing at A Class European Champs in Warnemunde and Danny along with our younger member of our team Petros Konstantinidis who got on my shoes at Tornado Worlds in La Grand Mote France.
Result wise our mission completed at 2/3 as Danny and Petros won the Tornado Worlds but personally I didn’t managed to reach my goal at A class Europeans. A bit disappointed about that..
It was though a great team effort doing 3 championships in 2 weeks trying to get the new and youngest member of our team in shape so he can manage to make his own thing starting soon his 49er campaign (hopefully) , along with me trying to get better and better on the A class.
For Dany Paschalidis we cant say anything as he won it all!!
Happy to see this project proceeding as along with us at F18 euros there was a second Greek team there of Stocco Alessandro and Πέτρος Κωνσταντινίδης. It was great for us to have a second team there as for 1st time Greece participated in F18 Europeans and did it not only winning it but with 2 teams. Hopefully next year in Italy we ll be 3 teams and so on !!
Happy to see Estela Jentsch Steimer who is training with us being 3rd at Tornado Worlds in La Grand Mote with crew a young gun from Australia Daniel Brown
Happy to see my good friend Bob Baier with which we trained together on the A class managing to get in 7th position at Euros winning his class in style!
Happy to see more people being interested about our F18 catamaran trainings, as more people are keen to come and fly with their A Cats with us and Greek young sailors wanting to have the cat experience more and more.

Our ambition is to expand cat sailing in Greece and who knows maybe some of the young guys will manage later on to follow the Olympic dream.
To do that though you need a base and I do believe that nothing better than F18 and A class to introduce cat sailing and foiling to sailors especially young ones.
Hopefully in the close future we ll see these boats racing a major championship in Greece (talking about F18 and A Class) so we ll manage to get more Greek sailors to the cat sailing scene.
Yes its hard work for us but on the other hand watching the results in general I do believe that it worth’s the effort.
Now its time for a bit of holidays as training and preparations must keep on due to full racing September –October- November .
Schedule is to do Tornado Europeans in September in lake Garda, then F18 worlds in Sarasota USA in October, plus St Barth Catacup in November. In between I hope that I will manage to do a race with my new A Cat from exploder delivered hopefully beginning of September. There will be one more event that we will attend from a different role though but we keep that for later as long everything is going to be finalized..
Big thanks goes to our sponsors and supporters as friends and families!
I keep my last words for the guy who gave us the opportunity to make this happen. So special thanks goes to the guy who believed in this project from day 1 and supported us as other catamaran sailors around the world in a way no other is doing.
η εικόνα προφίλ του Trigonis Konstantinos
Trigonis Konstantinos

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