Ολόκληρη η καριέρα του υπήρξε λουσμένη στα φώτα της δημοσιότητας και απασχόλησε πολλές φορές τα μέσα ενημέρωσης όχι μόνο για τα καλλιτεχνικά του αριστουργήματα αλλά και την ταραχώδη προσωπική ζωή του.
Ωστόσο εξακολουθούν να υπάρχουν σκοτεινές και μυστηριώδεις πτυχές
στην ιστορία και την προσωπικότητα του Τσάρλι Τσάπλιν, ενός μύθου του κινηματογράφου, που στην πραγματικότητα απέφυγε να μοιραστεί με το κοινό
τα μύχια μυστικά της ζωής αλλά και της δουλειάς του.
Ενα νέο βιβλίο με τίτλο «The Charlie Chaplin archives»,υπόσχεται να φωτίσει αυτές
τις πτυχές, με πολλές ανέκδοτες φωτογραφίες, σημειώσεις και συνεντεύξεις από το
προσωπικό αρχείο του Τσάπλιν.
Ο Τσάπλιν προσπαθούσε να κρατήσει κρυφές τις συνθήκες στα πλατό όπου γύριζε
τις ταινίες, δεν επέτρεπε φωτογραφίες και επέτρεπε πολύ σπάνια την πρόσβαση
σε δημοσιογράφους.
Οσα έχουν γίνει γνωστά ήταν από την αυτοβιογραφία που έγραψε και τις πληροφορίες
που έδιναν σε συνεντεύξεις τους διάφοροι συνεργάτες του και άτομα του
περιβάλλοντός του.
Το νέο βιβλίο θα συμπληρώσει αυτό το παζλ με στοιχεία για τις σεξουαλικές προτιμήσεις του και τους γάμους του με ανήλικες κοπέλες, το γεγονός ότι το FBI τον καταδίωκε επί χρόνια με την κατηγορία ότι ήταν φιλοκομμουνιστής, αλλά και ότι το Λονδίνο ήθελε να τον χρίσει ιππότη, αλλά βρισκόταν σε αδιέξοδο, φοβούμενο τυχόν ψύχρανση των σχέσεών του με την Ουάσιγκτον.
Οι γάμοι του
Ο πρώτος του γάμος ήταν το 1918 με τη 17χρονη Μίλντρεντ Χάρις, όταν φοβήθηκαν
ότι η κοπέλα έχει μείνει έγκυος.
Τελικά αποδείχθηκε πως δεν υπήρχε εγκυμοσύνη, ωστόσο σύντομα ακολούθησε η
γέννηση του πρώτου παιδιού του Τσάπλιν, που όμως πέθανε λόγω συγγενών
ανωμαλιών την επόμενη μέρα.
Ο θάνατος του παιδιού υπήρξε καθοριστικός για το τέλος του γάμου με τη Χάρις.
Εξι χρόνια αργότερα, στα 35 του χρόνια, ο Τσάπλιν παντρεύτηκε
τη 16χρονη Λίτα Γκρέι, επειδή ήταν έγκυος.
Ο αστέρας του κινηματογράφου την παρότρυνε να κάνει άμβλωση, ωστόσο ο παππούς
της κοπέλας τον απείλησε πως θα τον σκοτώσει εάν δεν την παντρευτεί.
Το ζευγάρι απέκτησε δύο παιδιά, αλλά αργότερα χώρισε και η Γκρέι κατάφερε να
αποσπάσει μια τεράστια διατροφή υπό την απειλή ότι θα αποκαλύψει δημόσια τα
μυστικά της σεξουαλικής ζωής τού Τσάπλιν.
Στο βιβλίο φαίνονται και τα λάθη που έκανε ως σκηνοθέτης, τα οποία μετάνιωνε πικρά
καθότι ήταν τελειομανής και έφτανε στο σημείο να γυρίσει μία σκηνή ακόμη και 360 φορές.
Μνημειώδης έχει μείνει η κόντρα του με τον Μάρλον Μπράντο κατά τη διάρκεια γυρισμάτων, καθώς η χημεία μεταξύ των δύο ανδρών ήταν ανύπαρκτη.
Επιπλέον υπάρχουν αναφορές στη «σχέση» του με τον Χίτλερ.
Ο Τσάπλιν είχε δηλώσει ότι αρχικά ήταν τόσο επαρμένος ώστε πίστεψε πως ο Χίτλερ αντέγραψε το μουστάκι του για να κλέψει λίγη από τη λάμψη του.
Στη συνέχεια αποφάσισε να γυρίσει μια ταινία («Ο Μεγάλος Δικτάτωρ») που θα σατιρίζει
τον Χίτλερ, ωστόσο βρήκε αντίδραση από τους Εβραίους παραγωγούς του Χόλιγουντ.
Τελικά ο ίδιος ο Ρούσβελτ επικοινώνησε μαζί του και του έδωσε το «πράσινο φως» για
τα γυρίσματα της ταινίας.
- https://www.grunge.com/128829/charlie-chaplins-tragic-real-life-story/
- http://www.real.gr/archive_media/arthro/fos_stin_gkriza_pleura_tou_tsaplin-139314/
- http://www.gazzetta.gr/plus/article/785560/o-agnostos-tsarli-tsaplin-neo-vivlio-poy-
Οι γάμοι του
Ο πρώτος του γάμος ήταν το 1918 με τη 17χρονη Μίλντρεντ Χάρις, όταν φοβήθηκαν
ότι η κοπέλα έχει μείνει έγκυος.
Τελικά αποδείχθηκε πως δεν υπήρχε εγκυμοσύνη, ωστόσο σύντομα ακολούθησε η
γέννηση του πρώτου παιδιού του Τσάπλιν, που όμως πέθανε λόγω συγγενών
ανωμαλιών την επόμενη μέρα.
Ο θάνατος του παιδιού υπήρξε καθοριστικός για το τέλος του γάμου με τη Χάρις.
Εξι χρόνια αργότερα, στα 35 του χρόνια, ο Τσάπλιν παντρεύτηκε
τη 16χρονη Λίτα Γκρέι, επειδή ήταν έγκυος.
Ο αστέρας του κινηματογράφου την παρότρυνε να κάνει άμβλωση, ωστόσο ο παππούς
της κοπέλας τον απείλησε πως θα τον σκοτώσει εάν δεν την παντρευτεί.
Το ζευγάρι απέκτησε δύο παιδιά, αλλά αργότερα χώρισε και η Γκρέι κατάφερε να
αποσπάσει μια τεράστια διατροφή υπό την απειλή ότι θα αποκαλύψει δημόσια τα
μυστικά της σεξουαλικής ζωής τού Τσάπλιν.
Lita Grey Chaplin Biography
Lita Grey Chaplin was an actress known mostly for her tumultuous marriage to screen legend Charlie Chaplin.
When Charlie Chaplin picked Lita Grey Chaplin to be his leading lady for The Gold Rush, the two became romantically involved and later married. Her marriage to the world-famous comedian was not a happy one, and in August 1927, Lita received a divorce on the grounds of extreme cruelty. She went on to a singing career and wrote two memoirs about her life with Charlie Chaplin.
-Relationship with Chaplin
Actress, singer, author. Born Lillita Louise MacMurray on April 15th, 1908, in Hollywood, California. Lita Grey Chaplin was the second wife of film star and comedian Charlie Chaplin. At the age of 12, she met Chaplin when he cast her in a small role in The Kid (1921) with Jackie Coogan. Lita and her mother, Lillian Parker, appeared as maids in another Chaplin production The Idle Class (1921).
-When Chaplin picked her to be his leading lady for The Gold Rush (1925) in 1924, he reportedly renamed her Lita Grey. He also misled the media about her age, saying that she was 19. She was, in fact, 15 years old at the time. The two became romantically involved, and Lita discovered that she was pregnant by that fall. She dropped out of the production and was replaced by actress Georgia Hale.
-At first, Charlie Chaplin wanted Lita to terminate the pregnancy. She refused, and he eventually agreed to marry her. The two were wed on November 25th, 1924, in Empalme, Mexico. A New York Times report on the event listed Lita's age as 17. They welcomed their first child, Charles Jr., on May 5th, 1925, but the news of their son's birth was withheld from the media to avoid scandal. Lita, her son, and her mother went into hiding for a time, emerging for Charles Jr.'s new birth date of June 28th, 1925.
-Her marriage to the world-famous comedian was not a happy one. Even the birth of their second child, a son named Sydney, in 1926 did nothing to save the eroding relationship. Her husband had several affairs during their short union, including one with her friend Merna Kennedy, who appeared in The Circus (1928) with him.
- Divorce
In early 1927, Lita Grey Chaplin filed for divorce, accusing her husband of all sorts of misdeeds and indiscretions. Her lawyers had a judge issue a restraining order on Charlie Chaplin's sizable estate. She reportedly threatened to publicly name some of the women he had affairs with unless a settlement was reached. The ensuing legal battle made headlines for months. Some thought that Lita was just after Charlie's money, while others objected to a much older man marrying a teenager.
- On August 19th, 1927, Lita received a divorce on the grounds of extreme cruelty. The $825,000 settlement was a record-breaking amount for California at the time. She was only 21 years old at the time, and had to use much of the settlement to pay her legal fees. Starting a career as a singer, Lita Grey Chaplin spent years performing on the vaudeville circuit.
- In 1932, Charlie Chaplin took Lita to court to prevent their two sons from appearing in a film. She had signed a contract with a movie studio, but the court ruled in Charlie's favor. While her attempts to launch acting careers for her sons were thwarted, she continued to make theatrical and night club appearances on her own. (Both sons later found some work as professional actors.) She married three more times after her union with Chaplin, all of which ended in divorce.
- Lita later wrote about her experiences as the wife of a comedic genius in My Life with Chaplin (1966) with Morton Cooper. Two years later, she suffered a great personal loss when her oldest son Charles Jr. died from causes related to his alcoholism. According to Chaplin: Genius of the Cinema, Lita spent many of her later years working in a department store in Beverly Hills.
-On December 29th, 1995, Lita Grey Chaplin died in Woodland Hills, California. She had spent her final years working on another biography with Jeffrey Vance, reportedly to set the record straight about some exaggerations found in her earlier work. The volume, Wife of the Life of the Party, was published in 1998. Today, she is largely remembered for her role in one of Hollywood's biggest scandals of the 1920s.
Lita Grey Chaplin was an actress known mostly for her tumultuous marriage to screen legend Charlie Chaplin.
When Charlie Chaplin picked Lita Grey Chaplin to be his leading lady for The Gold Rush, the two became romantically involved and later married. Her marriage to the world-famous comedian was not a happy one, and in August 1927, Lita received a divorce on the grounds of extreme cruelty. She went on to a singing career and wrote two memoirs about her life with Charlie Chaplin.
-Relationship with Chaplin
Actress, singer, author. Born Lillita Louise MacMurray on April 15th, 1908, in Hollywood, California. Lita Grey Chaplin was the second wife of film star and comedian Charlie Chaplin. At the age of 12, she met Chaplin when he cast her in a small role in The Kid (1921) with Jackie Coogan. Lita and her mother, Lillian Parker, appeared as maids in another Chaplin production The Idle Class (1921).
-When Chaplin picked her to be his leading lady for The Gold Rush (1925) in 1924, he reportedly renamed her Lita Grey. He also misled the media about her age, saying that she was 19. She was, in fact, 15 years old at the time. The two became romantically involved, and Lita discovered that she was pregnant by that fall. She dropped out of the production and was replaced by actress Georgia Hale.
-At first, Charlie Chaplin wanted Lita to terminate the pregnancy. She refused, and he eventually agreed to marry her. The two were wed on November 25th, 1924, in Empalme, Mexico. A New York Times report on the event listed Lita's age as 17. They welcomed their first child, Charles Jr., on May 5th, 1925, but the news of their son's birth was withheld from the media to avoid scandal. Lita, her son, and her mother went into hiding for a time, emerging for Charles Jr.'s new birth date of June 28th, 1925.
-Her marriage to the world-famous comedian was not a happy one. Even the birth of their second child, a son named Sydney, in 1926 did nothing to save the eroding relationship. Her husband had several affairs during their short union, including one with her friend Merna Kennedy, who appeared in The Circus (1928) with him.
- Divorce
In early 1927, Lita Grey Chaplin filed for divorce, accusing her husband of all sorts of misdeeds and indiscretions. Her lawyers had a judge issue a restraining order on Charlie Chaplin's sizable estate. She reportedly threatened to publicly name some of the women he had affairs with unless a settlement was reached. The ensuing legal battle made headlines for months. Some thought that Lita was just after Charlie's money, while others objected to a much older man marrying a teenager.
- On August 19th, 1927, Lita received a divorce on the grounds of extreme cruelty. The $825,000 settlement was a record-breaking amount for California at the time. She was only 21 years old at the time, and had to use much of the settlement to pay her legal fees. Starting a career as a singer, Lita Grey Chaplin spent years performing on the vaudeville circuit.
- In 1932, Charlie Chaplin took Lita to court to prevent their two sons from appearing in a film. She had signed a contract with a movie studio, but the court ruled in Charlie's favor. While her attempts to launch acting careers for her sons were thwarted, she continued to make theatrical and night club appearances on her own. (Both sons later found some work as professional actors.) She married three more times after her union with Chaplin, all of which ended in divorce.
- Lita later wrote about her experiences as the wife of a comedic genius in My Life with Chaplin (1966) with Morton Cooper. Two years later, she suffered a great personal loss when her oldest son Charles Jr. died from causes related to his alcoholism. According to Chaplin: Genius of the Cinema, Lita spent many of her later years working in a department store in Beverly Hills.
-On December 29th, 1995, Lita Grey Chaplin died in Woodland Hills, California. She had spent her final years working on another biography with Jeffrey Vance, reportedly to set the record straight about some exaggerations found in her earlier work. The volume, Wife of the Life of the Party, was published in 1998. Today, she is largely remembered for her role in one of Hollywood's biggest scandals of the 1920s.
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Citation Information
Article Title
Lita Grey Chaplin Biography
Biography.com Editors
Website Name
The Biography.com website
We strive for accuracy and fairness. If you see something that doesn't look right, contact us!
Citation Information
Article Title
Lita Grey Chaplin Biography
Biography.com Editors
Website Name
The Biography.com website
Access Date
17 Απριλίου 2019
A&E Television Networks
Last Updated
April 10, 2019
Original Published Date
April 2, 2014
17 Απριλίου 2019
A&E Television Networks
Last Updated
April 10, 2019
Original Published Date
April 2, 2014
Στο βιβλίο φαίνονται και τα λάθη που έκανε ως σκηνοθέτης, τα οποία μετάνιωνε πικρά
καθότι ήταν τελειομανής και έφτανε στο σημείο να γυρίσει μία σκηνή ακόμη και 360 φορές.
Μνημειώδης έχει μείνει η κόντρα του με τον Μάρλον Μπράντο κατά τη διάρκεια γυρισμάτων, καθώς η χημεία μεταξύ των δύο ανδρών ήταν ανύπαρκτη.
Επιπλέον υπάρχουν αναφορές στη «σχέση» του με τον Χίτλερ.
Ο Τσάπλιν είχε δηλώσει ότι αρχικά ήταν τόσο επαρμένος ώστε πίστεψε πως ο Χίτλερ αντέγραψε το μουστάκι του για να κλέψει λίγη από τη λάμψη του.
Στη συνέχεια αποφάσισε να γυρίσει μια ταινία («Ο Μεγάλος Δικτάτωρ») που θα σατιρίζει
τον Χίτλερ, ωστόσο βρήκε αντίδραση από τους Εβραίους παραγωγούς του Χόλιγουντ.
Τελικά ο ίδιος ο Ρούσβελτ επικοινώνησε μαζί του και του έδωσε το «πράσινο φως» για
τα γυρίσματα της ταινίας.
- https://www.grunge.com/128829/charlie-chaplins-tragic-real-life-story/
- http://www.real.gr/archive_media/arthro/fos_stin_gkriza_pleura_tou_tsaplin-139314/
- http://www.gazzetta.gr/plus/article/785560/o-agnostos-tsarli-tsaplin-neo-vivlio-poy-
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